Waiting Rooms

We know the last thing any parent wants is to bring a child to the doctor’s office and have the child get sick.  In order to minimize this problem, our office has separate waiting rooms with separate entrances. As you enter the building, the entrance to the left goes to the “well” waiting room and the entrance to the right goes to the “same day” waiting room. In an effort to minimize the spread of germs, we do not have any toys for the children in either waiting room.  Instead, we have a tropical fish aquarium for the children to enjoy.

Lab Equipment

For the convenience of our patients, we are able to do many laboratory tests in our office. We are able to perform complete blood counts, urinalysis, urine cultures, rapid strep tests, strep cultures, glucose checks, bili level checks, rapid monospot testing, flu testing, rsv testing, and hearing and vision screening. 

Patient Rooms

The thought of going to the doctor can sometimes be scary to our little patients. So we try to make them as comfortable as possible.  One of the ways we do this is by providing a variety of whimsical treatment rooms. Themes range from sports, dinosaurs, aquatic, trucks, Noah’s Ark, and many more. Our goal in offering these bright, cheerful rooms is to enable your little ones to feel more at ease.